Online Portrait Painting Supply List
Bristle and taklon brushes, sizes 2 - 10; filbert or flat are recommended, but you may use any variety of tip
6 canvases (cotton or linen), canvas sheets, or boards; no smaller than 9” x 12” and no larger than 16” x 20”
Oil paint, preferably student-grade; more expensive paint contains more pigment, which can be difficult to mix if you’re new to painting. I recommend using water-soluble paint in order to reduce exposure to solvents and to make clean-up easier. These are the recommended colors:
Titanium White
Naples Yellow Hue
Cadmium Yellow Pale Hue
Yellow Ochre
Cadmium Orange Hue
Cadmium Red Hue
Permanent Alizarin Crimson
Permanent Sap Green
Cerulean Blue Hue
Ultramarine Blue
Dioxazine Purple
Raw Umber
Ivory Black
(Optional) Indian Yellow
(Optional) Permanent Rose
(Optional) Cobalt Blue Hue
(Optional) Pthalo Blue
(Optional) Burnt Umber
(Optional) Burnt Sienna
(Optional) Lilac
Palette or palette paper
Palette box
Palette knife
If using traditional oils, Gamsol or other odorless solvent for thinning paint and cleaning brushes; if using water-soluble oils, only water is necessary
Metal brush washer or glass jar to hold solvent or water - must have lid to limit fumes from solvent
Brush soap or cleaner
Paper towels
Optional: Disposable gloves
Optional: Apron or artist’s smock